Grand Travel Guide

Best Time To Visit Belarus in 2024

Belarus, often known as the “Lungs of Europe” due to its vast forests, offers a blend of natural beauty and rich history. From its serene landscapes to historic castles and fortresses, Belarus invites visitors to explore its less-trodden paths. Understanding the best times to visit based on weather and events can significantly enhance your travel experience.

Best Times to Visit

Peak Season (May to September)

  • Climate: These months offer the most pleasant weather—mild to warm temperatures ideal for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
  • Key Events: This period includes many of Belarus’s major festivals, such as the Minsk Spring Festival in May and the Mir Castle events throughout the summer​ – Travel & Photography​.
  • Travel Tips: While this is the best time for tourism due to the weather, it’s also when tourist sites are most crowded and prices may be higher, especially in major cities like Minsk.

Shoulder Season (April and October)

  • Climate: The weather is cooler but still comfortable, perfect for those who prefer a quieter travel experience.
  • Key Events: Celebrate the Rite of Juraŭski Kirmash, an ancient spring festival, in April. October is great for enjoying the colorful fall foliage and harvest festivals​ – Travel & Photography​.
  • Travel Tips: These months are ideal for cultural tourism and outdoor activities, with fewer tourists and generally lower prices for accommodations.

Low Season (November to March)

  • Climate: Winters are cold, often with snow, which can be perfect for winter sports enthusiasts.
  • Key Events: Enjoy the Christmas festivals and New Year celebrations. February hosts the famous Maslenitsa festival, which features traditional Slavic festivities, including pancake feasts and folk games​ – Travel & Photography.
  • Travel Tips: This is the best time for budget travelers and those who enjoy winter sports. Ski resorts near Minsk offer various winter activities.

Month-by-Month Guide

  • January: Experience traditional Belarusian Christmas celebrations.
  • May: Enjoy the Victory Day parades and spring festivals showcasing local traditions and foods.
  • July: Visit during the Independence Day celebrations for fireworks and concerts.
  • September: Take part in the harvest festivals, a great time to experience local customs and gastronomy.

Top 50 Places to Visit

  1. Mir Castle: A UNESCO World Heritage site offering medieval reenactments during the summer.
  2. Nesvizh Castle: Another UNESCO site, known for its beautiful architecture and landscaped gardens.
  3. Belovezhskaya Pushcha: One of Europe’s oldest forests, home to the rare European bison.
  4. Brest Fortress: A symbol of Soviet resistance in WWII, featuring poignant memorials and museums.
  5. Minsk: The capital city, full of museums, theaters, and cafes. Notable sites include the National Library and Independence Square.
  6. Pripyatsky National Park: Known as the “Lungs of Europe”, it offers unique wildlife watching opportunities in its vast wetlands.
  7. Vitebsk: Known for its annual Slavianski Bazaar, a festival celebrating Slavic music and art.
  8. Grodno: A city with a rich history, featuring medieval castles and old churches.
  9. Polotsk: One of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe, with significant historical sites like the Saint Sophia Cathedral.
  10. Gomel Palace: A beautiful palace complex with extensive parks ideal for leisurely walks.

Travel Tips

  • Accommodation: Ranges from luxury hotels in Minsk to quaint guesthouses in the countryside. Booking in advance is recommended, especially during festivals.
  • Transportation: While public transport is well-developed in cities, renting a car can provide more flexibility for exploring rural areas.
  • Cuisine: Don’t miss trying local dishes like draniki (potato pancakes), borscht, and kvass. Belarusian cuisine reflects the hearty and warming nature of its climate and culture.


Visiting Belarus offers an enriching experience filled with cultural insights, historical exploration, and natural beauty. By choosing the right time to visit based on your interests—whether it’s the vibrant festivals of summer or the serene snowscapes of winter—you can enjoy a deeply fulfilling journey. This guide provides all the necessary information to plan an unforgettable trip to Belarus, ensuring that you experience the best of what this fascinating country has to offer in 2024.

Picture of Jesse Flowi
Jesse Flowi
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